Letter: Sen. Nelson is a champion on education in Minnesota
Originally published in the Post Bulletin
Education is a top priority of mine. That is one of many reasons I am supporting Carla Nelson for State Senate. Not only did Carla teach in our Rochester public elementary and middle schools, she has continued to champion education at every level.
I have heard Sen. Nelson repeatedly say that education is the great equalizer. Not only that but more importantly, she backs up her words with action.
Sen. Nelson was named an early childhood Four-Star Legislator for her work in securing high-quality preschool opportunities for children who could not otherwise afford one.
Sen. Nelson worked to send additional counselors and mental health supports to our schools.
Carla Nelson championed record levels of education funding and reforms like keeping our best teachers in the classroom, early literacy and dual credit options — postsecondary enrollment options, concurrent enrollment, advanced placement and international baccalaureate.
Carla Nelson is working to make sure every student has the opportunity to attend a great school. Let’s keep her working for us.
Paula Edwards